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Encoding and Decoding Enums with Associated Values in Swift 4

One way to allow an enumeration with associated values to conform to the Codable protocol is to represent it in a struct which is Codable. Another, better way is to use the Codable container provided by Apple. I’m going to show how to do both step-by-step, using the Barcode example from the Enumeration section of the Swift Programming book. (I won’t make the joke that you should stop reading this to go read that while I wait for you, I’m just assuming you’ve already done it. Surely you’ve also read about the Codable protocol as well.) My hope is that, by including an explanation of an inferior method, some insight will be gained as to what framework is doing (more or less) under the hood.

Some enums come prepopulated with raw values, like for example this one in which each planet case is assigned an Int value.

enum Planet: Int {
case mercury = 1, venus, earth, mars, jupiter, saturn, uranus, neptune

In this case, archiving the enum instance is as easy as archiving an integer. But what about those enum types with associated values?


Apple’s Barcode implementation is simple:

enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)

This enum however contains more information than can be represented by a simple raw value type like a String or an Int and so it cannot conform to Codable without additional instructions as to how each case is to be coded. One way to provide this information is to create an intermediate type that knows how to do just that.

(By the way, these instructions, however they are provided, are not something we ought to expose to the wider world. Ideally, all that users need to know is that Barcode is Codable, so let’s keep those implementation details private, ok?)

The Intermediate Type

I’m going to start by declaring a struct called Coding, nested inside an extension of Barcode and conforming to Codable. It’s not Codable yet, but we’ll get it there. This type needs to be able to represent all the information that is possible to represent in the original Barcode enum, and so presumably it will need a different property for each case, where the type of the property matches the type of its case’s associated value.

extension Barcode {
fileprivate struct Coding: Codable {
private var upc: (Int, Int, Int, Int)
private var qrCode: String

But this doesn’t quite work. The point of the intermediate type is to create a representation of Barcode which is Codable, but the type of upc is (Int, Int, Int, Int) which is a tuple and tuples are not Codable.

One workaround for this is to represent the tuple as an Array<Int> since collections of Codable types are themselves Codable (tuples are not collections, nor should they be), but I’m going to create another, separate intermediate type to represent (Int, Int, Int, Int): a struct with four Int properties to represent each Int of the upc value, and then we’ll be back in business.

extension Barcode {
fileprivate struct Coding: Codable {
private struct UPCDigits: Codable {
let numberSystem: Int
let manufacturer: Int
let product: Int
let check: Int
private var upc: UPCDigits
private var qrCode: String

At this point, our intermediate Barcode.Coding type is officially Codable, since its properties are all Codable. But we’re not quite done. We have a Codable representation of our original type, now we need methods to convert one into the other: a function to encode a Barcode instance into a Barcode.Coding instance and a function to decode a Barcode.Coding instance into a Barcode.

To do this requires one more tweak to our intermediate type. If there’s one thing an enumeration is good at, it’s this: An instance is one case or another, but never both, guaranteed. We ought to include this feature, insofar as we can, in our Barcode.Coding type, since we’re trying to represent an enum. The natural way to do this is to have its properties be optional so that when a Barcode instance is a .upc, then the qrCode property of its Barcode.Coding struct can be nil, and vice versa.

We’ll write an explicit init method in the body of the struct (not in an extension because we want to replace the memberwise initializer in order to narrow the ways this struct can be created) and this init method will guarantee that exactly one of the properties can ever receive a value and all other properties will remain nil. This guarantee will be provided by switching on the original enum.

extension Barcode {
fileprivate struct Coding: Codable {
private struct UPCDigits: Codable {
let numberSystem: Int
let manufacturer: Int
let product: Int
let check: Int
private var upc: UPCDigits?
private var qrCode: String?
fileprivate init(barcode: Barcode) {
switch barcode {
case .upc(let numberSystem, let manufacturer, let product, let check):
self.upc = UPCDigits(numberSystem: numberSystem, manufacturer: manufacturer, product: product, check: check)
case .qrCode(let productCode):
self.qrCode = productCode

We now have the ability to convert a Barcode to a Barcode.Coding type which is Codable, we now need implement the conversion in the other direction. We just need a method on Barcode.Coding that returns a Barcode. We’ll make it throw for reasons that will become clear in a moment.

fileprivate func barcode() throws -> Barcode {
/// TODO: provide logic.

How do we create a Barcode from a Barcode.Coding? We will switch on a tuple of all our properties, and use pattern matching to find the cases where one property value is .some and all the others .none, then return the Barcode instance for that case initialized with the corresponding value. We’ll reach the default case in situations where either more than one property is non-nil or else all are nil, so then we’ll need to throw an error.

fileprivate func barcode() throws -> Barcode {
switch (upc, qrCode) {
case (.some(let upcDigits), nil):
return Barcode.upc(upcDigits.numberSystem, upcDigits.manufacturer, upcDigits.product, upcDigits.check)
case (nil, .some(let productCode)):
return Barcode.qrCode(productCode)
throw CodingError.barcodeCodingError("Could not convert \(self) into either a upc or a qrCode")

Barcode: Codable

After all that work, we’re finally ready to write the code that will conform our Barcode type to Codable. First, we only need to implement two methods, one each for Encodable and Decodable, and second, we need to explicitly declare conformance.

extension Barcode: Codable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
// ??
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
// ??

Both of these methods are easy now that we’ve finished the hard work of creating a Codable type to represent a Barcode. The init method merely needs to try to create a Barcode.Coding instance from the decoder parameter, and then convert that instance into a Barcode.

On the other hand, the encode method needs to create a Barcode.Coding instance from self, and call the encode method of that instance with the encoder parameter.

extension Barcode: Codable {
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
self = try Barcode.Coding.init(from: decoder).barcode()
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
try Barcode.Coding.init(barcode: self).encode(to: encoder)

Informal Testing

Now we have a fully Codable type. Let’s test it.

import Foundation

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
var productBarcode: Barcode
var data: Data
var json: String
var expectation: String
var result: Barcode

// upc
productBarcode = .upc(8, 85909, 51226, 3)
data = try encoder.encode(productBarcode)
json = String.init(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
expectation = """
upc" : {
check" : 3,
manufacturer" : 85909,
product" : 51226,
numberSystem" : 8

result = try decoder.decode(Barcode.self, from: data)
assert(json == expectation)
assert(result == productBarcode)

// qrCode
productBarcode = .qrCode("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP")
data = try encoder.encode(productBarcode)
json = String.init(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
expectation = """

result = try decoder.decode(Barcode.self, from: data)
assert(json == expectation)
assert(result == productBarcode)

Protip: We try to be aesthetic and all here on But seriously, don’t use pretty-printing for testing JSON equality. Also, until Equatable is actually implemented on Barcode, the == operator is not going to work. I’m going to leave that as an exercise for you 😉.


Even with only two cases, this was not a trivial amount of code. It’s not difficult; in fact, it’s very like boilerplate. With larger numbers of cases, writing all the tedious code required to get an enumeration with associated values to be Codable will make you ask yourself: What am I really getting for all this typing? Turns out, there’s a better solution. (Special thanks to @stephencelis for showing this to me.)

One of my favorite Stack Overflow answers (I can’t find the link) was a response to a question about how many lines of codes to write in one day. The answer was something like

On good days, it’s measured in negative numbers. On better days, in higher negative numbers.

Smaller units are more easily understandable, less code means fewer bugs. But often we can’t start with the smaller codebase. The first priority is to get something working, and iterate afterwards, reducing our material until we’ve reached the bare necessities. One consequence of this approach is that the bloated, middle period nevertheless provides intuition about the workings of the final result.

Our first solution used an intermediate, Codable type that we implemented ourselves. As it happens, the Encoder and Decoder protocols already provide a struct for the same purpose. Some configuration is still required but at least we don’t need to create our own Coding struct. Let’s start over.

The Keyed(En|De)codingContainer

The Encoder protocol specifies only a handful of requirements. One is that a conforming type implement this function:

func container<Key>(keyedBy type: Key.Type) -> KeyedEncodingContainer<Key>

It is a function with a generic type parameter and it returns a container which is generic over that same type. This container, an instance of KeyedEncodingContainer, serves the same purpose as our Coding struct from earlier. Looking at the return type of this function, we see that KeyedEncodingContainer is generic over some Key, looking at the definition of this type, we see that this generic parameter must be constrained to the CodingKey protocol.

/// A concrete container that provides a view into an encoder's storage, making
/// the encoded properties of an encodable type accessible by keys.
public struct KeyedEncodingContainer<K> : KeyedEncodingContainerProtocol where K : CodingKey {
/// Implementation details...

The CodingKey protocol provides a mapping from the names of the properties of the encoded type to the keys of the underlying storage.

enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)

extension Barcode: Codable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case upc
case qrCode

We’ve specified a private enum called CodingKeys. (The name can be anything, but “CodingKeys” follows a convention established by Apple. Note that it is plural whereas usually enum names are singular.) The enum provide raw values for its cases, either Strings or Ints and must declare conformance to the CodingKey protocol. For convenience I’ve chosen cases that match the property names of Barcode, but again these are arbitrary, additionally you could even specify a raw value different from the case. Now we can implement the two methods needed to conform to Codable. We’ll start with encoding.

func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .upc(let numberSystem, let manufacturer, let product, let check):
try container.encode([numberSystem, manufacturer, product, check], forKey: .upc)
case .qrCode(let productCode):
try container.encode(productCode, forKey: .qrCode)

To begin with, we get the KeyedEncodingContainer from encoder. Then, we switch on self. If self is a Barcode.upc, we get the four Int values out, and then we’ll try to encode an array of the four upc values in the container and the key for that value in the container will be the rawValue of Barcode.CodingKeys.upc. (I made an intermediate type to store the four upc values in the earlier implementation. This time I’m just using an array.) Likewise, if self is a Barcode.qrCode, we get the String value, and then try to encode it into the container using the key Barcode.CodingKeys.qrCode.

Warning: I’ve used .upc in two different places in the code above. The compiler knows they are different, but I wanted to explicitly point it out. One is a Barcode.upc and the other is a Barcode.CodingKey.upc. The same is true of the .qrCode.

The Decoder protocol similarly provides a KeyedDecodingContainer, which we can use in the init method.

enum CodingError: Error {
case decoding(String)

init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if let codes = try? container.decode(Array<Int>.self, forKey: .upc), codes.count == 4 {
self = .upc(codes[0], codes[1], codes[2], codes[3])

if let code = try? container.decode(String.self, forKey: .qrCode) {
self = .qrCode(code)

throw CodingError.decoding("Decoding Error: \(dump(container))")

Again, we get the container first and then try to extract the appropriate values from it. If we can assign to codes an array of integers using the key Barcode.CodingKeys.upc (actually, the rawValue of it), then we will initialize a Barcode.upc whose associated values map to the four elements of the Array<Int> that we extracted. If that doesn’t work, we try to assign to code a String using as the key Barcode.CodingKeys.qrCode (again it is really rawValue of the .qrCode coding key) and use that String to create the corresponding Barcode.qrCode and assign it to self. If neither of those works then we’ll throw a custom error.

Here’s the full solution:

enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)
extension Barcode: Codable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case upc
case qrCode
enum CodingError: Error {
case decoding(String)
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
if let codes = try? values.decode(Array<Int>.self, forKey: .upc), codes.count == 4 {
self = .upc(codes[0], codes[1], codes[2], codes[3])
if let code = try? values.decode(String.self, forKey: .qrCode) {
self = .qrCode(code)
throw CodingError.decoding("Decoding Error: \(dump(values))")
func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .upc(let numberSystem, let manufacturer, let product, let check):
try container.encode([numberSystem, manufacturer, product, check], forKey: .upc)
case .qrCode(let productCode):
try container.encode(productCode, forKey: .qrCode)

import Foundation

let encoder = JSONEncoder()
encoder.outputFormatting = .prettyPrinted
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
var productBarcode: Barcode
var data: Data
var json: String
var expectation: String
var result: Barcode

productBarcode = .upc(8, 85909, 51226, 3)
data = try encoder.encode(productBarcode)
json = String.init(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
expectation = """
upc" : [

result = try decoder.decode(Barcode.self, from: data)
// assert(result == productBarcode)

productBarcode = .qrCode("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP")
data = try encoder.encode(productBarcode)
json = String.init(data: data, encoding: .utf8)!
expectation = """

result = try decoder.decode(Barcode.self, from: data)
assert(json == expectation)
// assert(result == productBarcode)


I’m pretty happy with Apple’s solution to the problem of archiving Swift value types. The fact that it doesn’t just work in every case is not a reason not to use it. Some assembly is required. Using Apple’s KeyedDecoderContainer and KeyedEncoderContainer types helps minimize the burden on developers who need to serialize enums with associated values.
